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Fraud and Forgery Abound at Corix Bioscience (CXBS) - Part 1
Initially Posted: January 31, 2018 10:30 a.m. PST   

Unless he is like so many criminals who have deluded themselves into thinking that they have done nothing wrong, Michael Osborn who is a penitentiary guest for the second time as he now serves a 77 month stint for being "innocent" comes to mind, Michael Ogburn-the name similarities are just a coincidence--should be losing sleep at night.

Ogburn's Stupid Press Release

It speaks volumes that Corix only issued the press release of January 10, 2018 in response to my own release of January 2nd. One should wonder why Corix didn't inform its shareholders of the lawsuit when it was first served onto the company's Agent for Service of Process on November 17, 2017 and by email to the company's attorney, Anthony Paesano, who requested a copy of the complaint on November 20, 2017. Perhaps the 54% drop in Corix' share price between November 17 and January 2 explains the silence.

The idea of using a press release to misrepresent confidential settlement discussions, especially when his counsel took part in them, can only be construed as Ogburn's way of trying to rehabilitate himself and the scam he is running. For his recognition of the "numerous lawsuits" I've filed, he failed to realize that I usually get to the bottom of the scheme. Almost all of the companies I have litigated against are now either suspended by the SEC or dormant, and many of the perpetrators of the schemes are or have been indicted or fined. In Ogburn's case, the trail of breadcrumbs leading to the fraud perpetrated is so wide that he would have to be pretty stupid or cocky to think that he would not eventually be called onto the carpet. No matter what he tries, and no matter how he "respond[s] accordingly through the judicial process", Jesus himself won't be able to rehabilitate neither Michael Ogburn, Sean Zarinegar nor Corix Bioscience.

Forging Signatures on Federal Documents is a No-No

I issue press releases about my litigation so that people have an idea that the subject(s) of the litigation are scams or scam artists.  At a minimum, this will encourage future investors to think twice before buying stock in whatever fraud is being perpetrated.  And to be absolutely clear, Corix Bioscience, Inc. is a fraud being perpetrated by Michael Ogburn, Sean Zarinegar and others I will identify later.

Another benefit of issuing press releases regarding my lawsuits is that victims come out of the woods to tell me their story.  I don't know that I've ever had more people call me about a scam than after my initial press release about the Corix litigation.

Since I issued my January 2nd press release, many people who claim that they were lied to by Michael Ogburn and Sean Zarinegar have called. It appears that Zarinegar and his staff were selling interest bearing investments without a license and then converting them to AHIT stock, contrary to promises that were made. Zarinegar has already had problems with various state securities commissions in the past (see here, here and here), so these transgressions are not shocking.  However he did not advise his investors that his past sanctions were in effect.

Even more disturbing is the revelation that many victims have had their names taken from them.

It has come to my attention that a Schedule 14C, filed by the company on April 21, 2017 contains several forged signatures, including that of a purported company officer. This is not just my opinion. Several of the subjects who had their named forged have come forward and a couple have stated that Ogburn has admitted to forging their names. An examination of the signatures on the Schedule 14C indicate that almost all of the signatures look eerily similar to Ogburn's. I have scheduled depositions to take place over the next three weeks, to get the statements of these forgery victims on the record. In the meantime, let's look at just one of the many examples:

Joaquin Flores, who was identified as a director of Corix, even though he never gave his consent, has his name forged on several documents.  In this filing, Corix appends Flores' letter effectively telling Ogburn to stop using his name.  Note his signature at the bottom.  Flores himself has confirmed the authenticity of this document to me.

Now lets look back to the Schedule 14C discussed earlier.  Flores' purported signature appears 4 times in this document.

Within a board resolution:
Within Exhibit "A"
within Exhibit "D"
and wthin Exhibit "E"

The Flores forgeries aren't consistent, as forgeries rarely are, and don't even come close to the actual Flores signature.

But the Schedule 14C is not the only federally filed document to contain forgeries.

On January 23rd, I took the deposition of Chief William Bills, a Chief of the Winnemucca Tribe and head of the Winnemucca Indican Colony. In addition to his many endeavors designed to bring income to his tribe/family, Chief Bills is also a Federal Marshall and presented his shield and credentials at the deposition.

On January 3, 2017, IX Biotechnology, Inc. purported to have entered into a Farm Lease with the Winemucca Indian Colony. The lease was presented as an exhibit to a Form 8-K, filed by Corix, then known as American Income Housing Trust, Inc. (AHIT) and referenced within an AHIT press release as a "joint venture combining several strategic partners, including the Shoshone, Battle Mountain and Washoe Indian tribes." The entire thing is a fabrication by Michael Ogburn as testified to by Chief Bills.

First, it is important to note that IX Biotechnology was not formed as a corporation until February 23, 2017, more than 7 weeks after the supposed Farm Lease had been entered into. So there couldn't be any such agreement.

Secondly, the Farm Lease claims to have been between the Washoe Indian Allotment 711266 and IX Biotechnologies, Inc. Both are non-existent entities. As Chief Bills testified and showed on a map, allotment numbers are only 3 digits in length. Furthermore, It was IX Biotechnology not Biotechnologies that was incorporated after the fact. The signature page creates further confusion as to the parties, since Michael Ogburn signed on behalf of IX BioTech, also a non-existent entity.

But perhaps the most egregious and obvious attempt to defraud the public is Ogburn's, move to steal Chief Bills' identity. The Farm Lease refers to the Chief as "Bill Bills", a moniker he testified to never using, and most certainly never signs under. The signature page also clearly shows yet another forgery, as the Chief is purported to have signed as "Bill Bills" and the signature is not in his handwriting. Several official documents were presented by Chief Bills during the deposition, including his credentials as a marshal, cleanly illustrating his actual signature with consistency.  Furthermore, documentary evidence shows a sloppy attempt at a cut and paste job to add a tribal seal to the document, and the wrong seal at that.

Here is an official tribal document with the Chief's actual signature:

Here is the poor attempt at a forgery, as found in Exhibit "B" of the Form 8-K:

According to his testimony, Chief Bills did not discover the phony lease and forged signature until August 2017, when other tribes inquired of the deal. He immediately issued his own press release, refuting the announced lease. Ogburn's response, in an obvious attempt to cover his tracks, was to accuse the Chief of not having the authority to enter into the deal, an authority Chief Bills would most certainly have had their been a deal to enter into.

Forging federal documents is not only a criminal offense, but is likely one that will cause the SEC to take action, perhaps even suspending trading in Corix stock. Within the next day or two, I will discuss the ongoings at Corix with both the FBI and the SEC. In the meantime, I have scheduled the deposition of several other victims of forgery, including Joaquin Flores, non-consenting director, who will confirm that not only had his signature been forged, but that he had never agreed to be a director in the first place. Flores is not the first officer and director to be named in spite of the fact that Corix did not receive an acceptance or approval. More recently, Dr. Joseph Curtis had to issue a Cease and Desist letter prohibiting Corix from using his name in connection with the company. Corix had taken the liberty of identifying Dr. Curtis as the company's Chief Operating Officer & Head-FDA Compliance and Chief Green Officer without his permission.
In the coming days, I will petition to the court for a Temporary Restraining Order prohibiting Corix from divesting any further assets, and issuing any more shares. Given the misuse of funds, self-dealing, and fraud and forgery that is ongoing, I doubt that I will have a difficult time accomplishing my goal. I have already informed the defendants' attorneys of this coming event. In the meantime, stand by for more revelations of fraud by Corix/Ogburn/Zarinegar and others which are coming to light even as I write this.

~ George